17 Years
17 years ago I had my first homebirth. Hard to believe so much time has already gone by! It was the beginning of a beautiful relationship. So much of the prenatal period is spent forming a relationship with your Midwife. Trusting her, confiding in her, relaxing around her. Then the big day comes and you look to her for answers. She reassures you. She comforts you. She tells you that you that “You can!”, when all you can think is “I can’t!”. When all is done, she tucks you in and tells you what a great job you did. She returns and helps during the postpartum, answering all your questions and again reassuring you. You see her less and less, then one day….It is the last appointment. You hold back tears, as this woman you didn’t know at all 10 months ago, is now your cherished friend and you shed a tear as you hug and say goodbye. This was my first experience, and I have experienced it over and over (having 5 children at home with Midwives). The bond formed is like no other and you will always have a connection with her.
17 years……and now? Now I am on the other side. Now I get the amazing joy of being a Midwife! Of getting to be the encourager. Sharing those precious moments. Giving that final appointment hug. Getting those texts on birthdays “Look who turned 1!”. Having that extreme privilege of bonding with a woman during a time that is like no other. Wow….17 years sure has gone by fast…I look forward to the next 17!
Heres to the Amazing Midwives that helped me bring my little ones earthside!
Candy Clarke, Kelly Miller (not pictured), and Jennifer Specht.